Steve Tighe is a compelling speaker on the future and innovation. He is recognised for his thought-provoking observations on today’s society, and his ability to express key insights about the future in an engaging and entertaining fashion.
Current work
Steve is renowned for his clever use of metaphors, images and case studies, taking his audience on a virtual journey into the future, whilst alerting them to the drivers of future change and the implications for their business.
Steve’s presentations focus on society’s evolving values and emerging trends and how these changes are re-shaping every aspect of our lifestyles including commuting, housing, employment, consumption, and the cities we choose to live in!
A practising futurist, Steve is the former Foresight Manager at Foster’s and has worked with some of the world’s leading companies, looking at the future of their industry and the opportunities for their business.
He has a Masters in Strategic Foresight from Swinburne University, and has completed the Oxford Scenarios Programme at Oxford University.
With this unique combination of corporate and academic foresight experience, Steve de-mystifies the challenges of the future and provides his audience with genuine tools for improving their business performance.
Steve is an international speaker on the future and tailors each of his presentations to the specific needs of his audience.
Steve’s novel approach to thinking about the future provides original insights across the following topics:
• Emerging Social & Consumer Trends
• Planning & Innovating for the Future
Steve was ready and available to adapt his presentation to our specific audience, and took the time to discuss how this could best be achieved before the event. Steve brought great energy an ... keep reading HR Leaders Summit