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Culture, Leadership, Strategy, Execution


Culture + Leadership + Strategy + Execution

Challenging complacency and unlocking potential in businesses

Leading business consultant driving unrivalled growth and extraordinary outcomes

Simon firmly believes that businesses can do and be better. As CEO and Founding Director of an international consulting firm, he works alongside businesses in NZ, Australia, the US and Canada to drive unrivalled growth and extraordinary outcomes.

Simon's more than simply a consultant he's an alchemist. And although the work Simon does is transformational, it isn't magic. Simon believes that achieving something exceptional is about harnessing people and empowering those people with a foundation of world-class frameworks and proven, best-practice tools; a healthy dose of challenge and accountability; and both alignment around, and commitment to, the cause.

And that's what Simon's presentation provides. Perfect for speaking to business leaders, owners or management teams, Simon will talk about structures and frameworks, but he'll also challenge complacency, help to unlock that something special in a business, and encourage you to see possibility and opportunity where others can't.

Simon is passionate about making a difference to businesses and is a good speaker to book if you're looking for:

- the growth that comes from focusing on, rather than in, your business

- support to define and align a culture

- engagement of a team with a clear and executable plan to reach your future goals

- a framework for better communication within a business

- the habits vital to strategic execution and success

- inspiration, with plenty of practical and actionable steps forward

You see, Simon has been there and done that but he's also still there and still doing it. Elbows-deep in the business world, Simon brings his own real learnings and those of his clients together with leading-edge research from some of the smartest minds in business.

Simon has presented to tens of thousands of business leaders throughout the world. He's one of the highest rated speakers globally for the world-renowned Entrepreneur's Organization and presents as part of the Entrepreneurial Masters Program and Key Executive Program at MIT in Boston.

Talking Points

COVID-19 webinar: How to demonstrate strong leadership and make clear-headed and well-aligned decisions fast

As entrepreneurs and business leaders, we are used to rising to challenges. However, the current challenge we're all facing is unprecedented; we have never experienced a perfect storm like this before.
We cannot afford to respond at the pace we're used to. The window to plan our response is closing. Businesses in tourism, hospitality and retail are already on the brink, and more will follow in the coming weeks. Businesses need to plan for a new way of working now. Leaders need to prepare to look after their people. We all need to prepare to weather a protracted recessionary environment.

In this webinar, you will learn:
¢ The six phases of continuity planning
¢ How to stabilise your business
¢ How to work in a virtual environment
¢ How to lead people through a crisis
¢ How to pivot and the actions you can take right now for your business
¢ And, how to see opportunity where others can't

Simon was a great speaker! He was energetic and engaging for the entire presentation. The franchise really enjoyed what he had to offer and I think they walked away with some key points to help them in business. I liked the journey he took us on and he really built up his presentation to a point where you had to agree with what he was offering. There was also a good mix of facts vs. inspirational quotes as well as some great video clips, imagery thrown in. He is definitely a master of timing and flow when presenting. FUJIFILM NZ Limited

"Simon was very engaging and captured everyone's attention! He was professional and relevant!"

Lumley Roadshow

Simon's presentation resonated well with the audience. We asked delegates for their reflections towards the end of the day - Simons key messages had been picked up, a sign that he had hit the mark!

Refining NZ

Simon was fantastic. Simon was stuck in Queenstown the day before our event due to the weather and went to great efforts to drive from Queenstown to Christchurch and managed to get on a flight out of Christchurch that night. He delivered a polished performance with humour, getting the audience involved and out of their seats (and all with limited sleep). Great way to start our conference off.

Pharmacy Guild of New Zealand
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