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Innovation ambassador to the world


Sian is a passionate and lively thinker, drawing insights from a life lived to the full. She's your typical high flying millennial, often referenced in the business pages as one of New Zealand's top young entrepreneurs and one of the next generation business leaders to watch.


She's travelled to over 45 countries, has embraced 'the future of work' for almost a decade and lives what we know to be the ˜suitcase' lifestyle. Sian works what she calls a traditional portfolio career, with clients across the globe. Her key role for over five years was heading up the Kiwi Landing Pad as the Global Community Director, working with Kiwi Startups and Technology companies that dream of exporting and have global aspirations.

Sian split her time between New Zealand and San Francisco with her role at the Kiwi Landing Pad, making regular trips to key global markets such as London, Paris and Singapore. She also frequented many US hubs to stay connected, build community, and learn about key trends and influences affecting NZ and the rest of the world.

Current work:

Since leaving the Kiwi Landing Pad in 2019, Sian is continuing her work in community and content through her new vehicle Public Rally where she works with organisations that could really do with boosting their community around their products and services, as well as developing strategic content to boost their business goals - through podcast, webinar series or similar.

Sian is also continuing her work with Kiwi start-ups to help them grow and expand their businesses overseas.


Underneath all of this, Sian has a powerful personal story that most would describe as going to hell and back. This built her character and allowed her to develop real resilience. She also talks about her journey with mental health, personal transformation and overcoming adversity.

Sian has spoken to thousands of people from many different backgrounds and champions a unique learning style - sharing that she learnt most of what she knows about community from tribal elders in rural Africa. She has observed and learnt about technology and innovation from some of the best leaders in Silicon Valley, New Zealand and Israel.

She is described as New Zealand's startup and innovation ambassador to the world, so shares a very unique and relevant perspective, tailoring her address specifically for your audience.

Very relevant to what we as principals need to be aware of when developing our curriculum for students as the world is evolving very quickly with ICT Hawkes Bay Primary Principals Association

Sian is a dynamo and articulated the vision, priorities and commercial context of Kiwi Landing pad with energy, intellect and grace. She is creative, fun and memorable in her approach and she had a very astute audience of 30 global women leaders mesmerised by her questions and insights - we look forward to spending more time with her in 2018.

Global Women
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