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Connection & Engagement expert creating meaningful outcomes for teams and leaders

YOU are the lead character in your life's movie. Own the role!


Pip Loader is a middle child, middle aged, middle class Mum, and previously a middle manager. Her educational fame mostly happened at intermediate, where she was the Year 8 & Year 9 speech and poetry champion, most remembered for her speech on farts. At college, she became a small fish in a big pond, lost her way, and was a gifted under-achiever until her principal asked her to leave.

She left school at 17, and worked her way up various corporate food chains - from office Junior and the go-to-girl for photocopier paper jams (we've all got to start somewhere!) to over two decades in leadership roles in the private and public sectors. She has traversed the terrains of Arts & Culture, Venues & Events, Manufacturing, Information Technology, and her last 'working for the man' role was leading a Co-design & Innovation Lab in local government. In between times she also launched a start-up - just before the 2008 global financial crisis...but she can tell you how that went in person...

Since hanging up her public servant boots in 2018, she now has her own practice, mostly working with Leaders and their people, helping build more engaged, empowered and effective teams, and injecting some FUN into FUNctional teams. She is big on helping people LOVE what they do, find meaning in their work and lives, and using storytelling to better connect, engage and inspire people and move them towards action!

Along with speaking, she is also a 'hostess with the mostest' and embraces the role of MC with passion, humour and a healthy dose of audience appropriate stories. Her biggest compliment to date was when someone told her she was funnier and better looking than Mike McRoberts.

On the personal side, she's a twice divorced, solo mother of a teenage boy, and embracing every awkward and sometimes challenging life event with her two most favourite 'G spots' - Grit and Gumption.

Talking Points

Showing Up - How to bring your best self to work and life

How we show up, everyday, has an impact not only on the people around us, but on our own personal well being and growth. It's also the one thing that we have 100% control over. When we are deliberate and intentional about how we want to show up in the world, at work, at home, and in life, we show up on purpose, and with purpose. This is a thought, and action, provoking session about getting back to the you that you love, getting clear on what that looks like and feels like, letting go of things (and people!) that don't serve you (cut them loose!) and the actions you need to take to bring your best self to life.

Once upon a Team - How your team story brings what you do to life

Stop being boring when people ask 'So, what do you do?'. Stand out instead!
Imagine if your team could articulate what they do in a way that not only gets them excited, but engages the people they are speaking to?
Imagine if when you stand up at forums and events and tell people what you do, people actually listened! AND remembered you because you stood out from all the others...
Imagine if your team was not only clearly connected to what they do everyday, and the value they bring, they are also clear on how they fit into the bigger picture.
Building a clear and compelling Team Story helps bring people to life. It raises team engagement, connection, passion and purpose, and helps your team really own the value that they deliver. This keynote is fundamentally about why we need to help our peoples face light up and their eyes sparkle when they talk about what they do, and never fear attending networking events again.

'Un'settled - stop settling, and start living!

Life is too short to settle for anything less than what we desire. 'Settling' is what we do when we are afraid to ask for what we want, afraid of change or rocking the boat or afraid to step into the unknown. We settle for a lot of things in our lives, and this talk is all about why we need to stop settling, stop apologizing and stop holding ourselves back, and unsettle ourselves so we can live a richer, fuller life.

This is the heartfelt and often funny story of Pip's Journey from Married and 'settled' to Divorced and 'unsettled' - the lessons she learned about herself along the way, and how we can all get more out of life if we are prepared to disrupt and unsettle ourselves, please others less, and please ourselves more.
Thoroughly enjoyed Pips keynote. She was able to actively engage the audience as the final keynote speaker to wrap up the day. She read the room well! The Education Group

Pip is an outstanding MC. She is articulate, funny and engaging. Her language is simple yet her messages powerful. She is able to pick up the theme of an event, encapsulate its essence and compel you to stay engaged. She clearly does her homework to ensure a smooth and connected flow to an agenda. She brings a great enthusiasm, passion and energy to her work.

BOP Directors Institute

We recently had Pip Loader MC our 2-day conference along with our Gala and Awards Dinner. She was nothing less than magnificent. From the moment we first called Pip, there was an instant connection, and our conversation left us in no doubt she'd be a great fit for our event. One of her special gifts is her ability to weave relevant stories throughout the conference sessions that keep the audience entertained and the engagement and enthusiasm levels high. Not only were her stories relatable, relevant and humorous, they were perfectly curated over the 2 days allowing her to bring her overarching story theme from the conference together in a masterful climax at the opening of the gala dinner. It was pure genius to watch and listen to. Prior to the conference she also asked for the names of a few of our customers to speak to and get a feel for what it is like to walk in their shoes. She did this so her messaging and stories were audience relevant and hit the mark – and they sure did. Her conference opening story had everyone ‘tuned in’ right from the start and even our Chief executive specifically noted what a great opening it was. In all my time working with MC’s, Pip was the first person to have requested to speak to people who would be in the room, and the difference it made to the event was significant, making the conference even more meaningful and memorable. She has a warm and vivacious personality, and her sense of humour and often needed quick wit meant that there was never a dull moment. The facilitated Q&A with our speakers was thoughtful and relevant, she was flexible with changes and timings, quickly made friends with the AV Tech and venue staff, and essentially made my job as Conference Manager easy and hassle free. She does and has it all when it comes to the attributes we all want in an MC. She is the complete, and nicely wrapped, package! If you are looking for an entertaining, engaging and enthusiastic MC to take your conference to the next level and make it memorable and magic, Pip Loader is exactly who you need.


As part of Tauranga’s annual Groundswell Festival, the Business Women’s Network held a lunchtime panel discussion with three trailblazing innovative women. This year we were fortunate to have Pip Loader MC our event. Pip did an amazing job as MC in both the event lead up, and during the event. Pip quickly gained rapport with both the speakers and the audience. Her lively personality and amusing personal anecdotal stories kept the event upbeat and engaging. She gave great summaries of each speaker’s presentation capturing their key points and underlying messages.

Business Womens Network - Chamber of Commerce
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