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Marketing strategies with a direct result on bottom line sales.


No theory, just practical, easy-to-implement, low cost ideas to grow SME businesses. The disruptive impact of the internet is profound, but there are strategies to have it work in your favour as well as secure your position in the increasingly challenging marketplace.

What used to work, doesn't anymore, but there is no need to throw all the old stuff away. The key now is to develop trust in your chosen niche for your business, which comes from a different type of message than before, as well as a multi-media approach.

Previous experience:

Paul has spoken to and worked across a range of industries, from professional services to franchised and independent retail. He has written books specifically for retail, financial service providers and professional services.

Paul delivers keynote addresses, interactive workshops and has consulted directly to businesses, having co-founded and franchised a retail chain and set up a retail marketing support group.

He has held the CEO role of a tourism marketing organisation, winning two national marketing awards, as well as being head of marketing for two large companies.


Paul holds three degrees including a recently completed master's in marketing. He is a lifelong learner, appreciating that you must always be keeping up with change.

Examples of topics:

Every keynote or workshop is specifically tailored to the audience. Paul will meet with the client beforehand to determine their challenges and compose a presentation that addresses these. His style is to deliver at a fast-pace, with humour when appropriate.

How to survive despite the online onslaught

How to build a loyal trusting customer base

Price is a transaction that never wins loyalty. Trust is the new currency.

Disruption from social media and the internet is rampant. But there are ways to prosper despite these

Talking Points

How to cope with the online onslaught.

How to cope with the online onslaught, where geography no longer matters when it comes to who consumers buy from.

The 3-step formula for growing retail profits

The 3-step formula for growing retail profits (personalised to your category), being how to get more customer, how to have them spend more and how to achieve higher gross margins.

How to be a Big Fish in professional services

How to be a Big Fish in professional services, by standing out in a very crowded marketplace
Paul continued our topic - full of enthusiasm and creative thoughts. The Professionals

Paul was the right mixture of comedy and information. He moved at a good pace, not too detailed. The audience loved him, lots of positive feedback since the meeting.

Mobil Oil New Zealand Ltd
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