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An expert communicator on personal leadership.


Matt Church is the founder of Thought Leaders Global. He is an instigator, motivator, disrupter, educator, researcher, innovator and leader.

With a background in Applied Science and over 20 years as a thought leader and keynote speaker, Matt was awarded Australian Speaker of the Year in 2014 and was recently named as one of the Top Ten Motivational Speakers globally.

He is without a doubt, one of the world's foremost authorities on the topic of Thought Leadership. Being obsessed with helping clever people and organisations become more commercially smart, he founded Thought Leaders Global, an international education business that teaches Thought Leadership to consultants, business owners and executives in large organisations. His mission is to demonstrate and educate on the exceptional power of thought leadership as a driving solution to the key business issues facing 21st century organisations.

As a prolific author and serial entrepreneur, Matt draws upon in his own story, his in-depth research and his extensive thought leadership to inspire and challenge people to think. He speaks on a deeply diverse range of subject matters from Thought Leadership and thriving in times of rapid change and disruption to the more seriously entertaining topic, Chemistry of Success: the art of living and the science of performance.

Matt Church is no ordinary presenter. His special gift is his ability to reach into the audience, capture their attention, build their trust and kick start a process of change. People leave his sessions entertained, informed and inspired. Rarely does someone simply return to “business as usual” after experiencing a presentation with Matt.

Talking Points

The Thought Leadership Imperative: How clever people become commercially smart

The world has changed fundamentally in the last 10 years and dramatically in the past six months. A subtle shift in power and information accessibility has flipped the models for leadership in the organisational and entrepreneurial arenas. We are seeing crowded marketplaces, information overwhelmed clients and a massive loss of trust in the media. These trend indicators all point to a new way to lead in business and life as a Thought Leader. In this keynote Matt explores what Thought Leadership looks like in your world and how you can rise above the blandness of a cluttered marketplace and build differentiation by what you know and leveraging commercially.

The Inspired Leader: A 21st century look at motivational leadership

Winning hearts and minds has always been the leadership imperative. Today's new leaders need new techniques to increase engagement. Your team demands inspiration and leading thinking from their organisations top people. Organisations that succeed, have leaders and teams that are inspired by what they do and what their work stands for. We used to be about systems, process, structure and hierarchy. We now see an emerging requirement for inspirational, creative thinking, consultative styles and effective partnering. It's this lit-up quality of great leaders that sets them apart. Culture, employee engagement and delivering results are all built on the foundation of an inspired organisation. Motivation is intrinsic, no-one gives it to you. Inspiration is the invitation to join those who amp up, make a difference and do great things. The ability to be lit up and light up others is more science than art. You can learn it. It becomes a habit, a choice.

The Chemistry of Success: A lifestyle platform for success and fulfillment

Every feeling you have is driven by a chemical; if you can find the chemical, you can fix the feeling. Anyone wanting to succeed in life or business knows that what happens in you can affect what happens around you. The Chemistry of Success is a highly entertaining session looking at the internal physical drivers of peak performance. This presentation is based on Matt's international best-sellers Highlife 24/7, Adrenalin Junkies and Serotonin Seekers. This is the perfect presentation to run in the tough time-slots. A hungover crowd, an exhausted crowd or a skeptical crowd all respond brilliantly to this presentation. A highly engaging and entertaining keynote relevant for everyone!
Matt did a great job of closing our three day conference ensuring we finished on a high. His content was new and refreshing and his delivery style is very humorous and engaging. We had a lot of positive feedback from attendees who really were very keen to learn more and intended on logging on to Matt's website to access more information. Given his content is aimed at the individual I think we gave people a more personalised send off at the end of the conference. Telstra

Matt Church was dynamic, interesting to listen too and used lots of humour. He carefully listened to our pre-briefing and clearly hit the mark with our audience in his delivery. I would have no problem recommending him to any corporation who wants to motivate their staff to higher achievement in both personal and career development. Well done Matt!

Isuzu Australia Limited

Nothing but positive feedback from participants nationally.

Commonwealth Bank

Matt brought the perfect amount of energy to our group and it felt like he connected personally with every one of our 130 participants. His session was the highest rated of our 3 day program and many people commented on the value of learning something new and practical. He was easy-going and helpful to deal with from the moment he arrived.

Track Star Alliance

Matt came highly recommended to Lexmark and certainly had a very good impact at our recent Australia and New Zealand Staff Kick Off for 2006. Our management team and I have had extremely positive comments from staff about the event overall and especially in regard to his performance and positive contribution to our event. "Entertaining", "Unique", "Educational" and "Motivating" are just a few of the common themes coming back from Lexmark staff. I personally was very pleased to have you as part of our event and I know our team is looking forward to making good use of the tools on your website so the many principles and learning's can be embedded for long term benefit.


Your presentation really has raised the bar for ICF and we have received amazing feedback from members and guests with specific comments referring to your ability to really stretch the audience and to think bigger, way beyond the norm. I am very pleased to inform you that your presentation was rated the highest since we introduced a feedback system!

International Coaches Federation

I started using Matt Church to help with strategic communications and presentational skills. Whilst he is excellent in both of these tasks his skills go much deeper. Matt has great insight and an ability to assist business leaders to cut through issues quickly, effectively package solutions and communicate them such that they have impact and acceptance with the relevant audience. It is a lonely position being the CEO, Matt is a great coach to have along side you.


Thank you, what an absolutely mind opening session. I loved it and will search for the next opportunity to have a session with you again.

R & H Queensland

Great speaker! Entertaining. Perfect for the last session of the day. Got everyone involved and enthusiastic. Brilliant! Well done.

R & H Sydney

I recently had the pleasure of attending the NZ Learning Convention where I saw you speak during your keynote presentation. I just wanted to say thanks as your presentation was my personal highlight from the three days on several levels. The content I found excellent and on a personal level, extremely useful. Your delivery style is one that I particularly enjoyed and appealed to my sense of humour. Once again thank you

Talk Tactics

Our delegates loved Matt; he is very professional and has a great message. However, he wraps it all in humour which makes the presentation fun and educational

Howards Storage World

I would like to thank you for your extraordinary presentation. You held an audience captive. Your humour and sense of timing worked extremely well. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Thank you again for visiting Microsoft Canada

Microsoft Canada Co

Everyone is still raving about your talk, and some actually took up regular exercise as a result. Thanks again for the very interesting and entertaining show

The Peninsula Group

Matt, your session was the perfect start to our conference. The evaluations were excellent and are proof of the relevance of your topic to our participants. You certainly set the mood for the remainder of our conference, which has been described as our best ever. Your contribution to the success of this event is greatly appreciated


Matt's session was a great way to end a 2day conference. After 2 long days he still managed to motivate people. A pleaseure to deal with

CPA Australia

Matt was excellent - his humour as well as high energy was exactly what we needed first thing in the morning. His preparation on the topic met all our requirements and his ability to involve the audience was great. Overall I would recommend his topic - the chemistry of success - to anyone for any theme.

World Dairy Leaders' Conference,BEST-fed Group

A big thank you for your presentation ... it was the best I have ever seen. Everyone walked away feeling great and saying how much they gained from the session. You will be pleased to know lots of delegates have been walking around saying Matt said ....' which, I think is the best feedback.

Mortgage Division - Macquarie Bank

Thank you again for a great presentation. The initial feedback is that you will be receiving almost as many emails as there were participants and that, I fee, would be one of the best measures of the impact that you had on the audience.

ANZ Funds Management
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