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Sought after wellbeing thought leader and science communicator


Clinical Psychologist Jacqui Maguire is one of New Zealand's key science communicators, providing authentic and relatable thought leadership on global mental health and wellbeing issues. Bringing her scientific knowledge of wellbeing to life, Jacqui translates the evidence into practical strategies that support people to optimise their wellbeing, work and relationships. Her entrepreneurial history and business acumen make her a keynote favourite, and she is known for engaging a diverse range of people, including those who may be sceptical of the benefits of psychological interventions.

Current work

Jacqui is TVNZ's go-to psychologist and a regular contributor to Stuff, NZ Herald, Radio New Zealand and Newstalk ZB. She is also the founder of the #1 ranking Mind Brew podcast, where she has interviewed some of the world's leading psychologists. In 2022, Jacqui was awarded Wellingtonian of the Year 2021 - Education.


Her career has been anchored in corporate wellbeing. Jacqui works closely with clients to understand the unique needs of their organisation and develop tailored programmes to best fit. She draws on both her psychological and business expertise in this process, making sure her services are both effective and delivered to a high standard; lifting organisational performance by developing the resilience and wellbeing of employees.

For personal interest, Jacqui sits on the Board of Life Squared Trust. A trust dedicated to improving mental health in the legal profession. She is also a marriage celebrant, proud to utilise her communication, rapport and writing skills to support people on their special day.

Talking Points

Pause, Reflect, Reset

Humans differ. Full. Stop.
Our taste in music, food, holidays, books and art is personal and so too are our reactions to large life events.

The way in which New Zealanders have responded to COVID-19 and the economic impact has varied. Fearful, angry, sad, fatigued, excited, opportunity seeking and apathetic are all within the normal' range of emotional reactions. It is important we can hold dual awareness of our own responses and those of others, to inform our interactions and strategic plans.

This unexpected global pandemic has presented both challenge and opportunity to reassess the status quo. Mental and emotional agility, compassion, collegiality and vision will be required to navigate this rapidly changing environment and optimise organisational learnings.

In this session uncover the evidence on how to thrive during challenge and change. Imagine if we emerged from COVID-19 a happier, healthier, better engaged and effective collective.

Safe to Innovate

At the core of every individual is the need to belong. To feel seen, welcomed, included and respected by the group. Under these circumstances we discover the best of people.

Take a moment to think about your team/ organisation and ponder the following questions:
¢ Are your skills and talents are valued and utilised?
¢ Are you encouraged to contribute in any way you feel able to?
¢ Do people feel comfortable in meetings asking about things they do not know or they do not understand?
¢ Do people feel comfortable in meetings raising difficult issues, concerns and reservations?
¢ How are mistakes, near misses, failures and critical incidents responded to?
¢ Do people ask each other and the team for help when they need it?

This session explores a brain based approach to team psychological safety: what is it, why is it important and how do you build it. Create a culture where your people are able to optimise their creativity, talents and skills.

Emotional Culture What's yours

Every organization has an emotional culture, even if it's one of suppression�. Sigal Barsade

An organisation's emotional culture is the shared affective values, norms and assumptions that guide which emotions people express at work and which ones they are encouraged to suppress. Emotional culture influences employee satisfaction, burnout, teamwork, performance and absenteeism.

Understanding the emotional landscape of an organisation is generally important, however critical in the
face of crisis, change and uncertainty. Despite the significant evidence on the importance of emotional culture, it is rarely understood or managed.

In this session understand the psychological evidence of emotional cultures, take a bird's eye view of your organisation's current emotional culture and recognise the potential waiting to be harnessed.


Every person on this earth is full of great possibilities that can be realised through imagination, effort and perseverance�. Scott Barry Kaufman.

Many leaders are starting to acknowledge that fostering wellbeing at work is a necessity not a nicety. Supporting people to flourish is known to improve performance, motivation, engagement, conflict resolution skills and original thinking. Flourishing strategies are not quick fixes�, they are evidenced-based processes that help people and organisations build and grow.�
This session has been designed to provide an overview of positive psychology. What is it, why is it important and how do you foster it in yourself and others.

Leading Well in Challenging Times

It is only leaders that are able to truly influence wellbeing at every level of the organisation. This is both a privileged and pressured position.

Good psychological wellbeing at work fosters individual outcomes such as loyalty, perseverance, team morale and health. In turn, this boosts productivity, creativity, innovation, client satisfaction and decreases absenteeism and staff turnover.

Research suggests that individual wellbeing is most likely to succeed when their leaders'
behaviour, processes, interactions and manner reflect and support these efforts. Regardless of an organisation's policy, if leaders are unsupportive, discouraging or lacking in action, this can obstruct wellbeing.

In this session examine the psychological research on leading wellbeing, highlight common roadblocks and discover everyday micro actions that have powerful impacts.

How to Have Mental Health Conversations

Preventing Burnout

Living Well (supporting individual mental health and wellbeing)

Health-Oriented Leadership

Leading for innovation in a hybrid world

Jacqui was amazing so engaging and delivery on point. Harcourts Gold

Jacqui's style is very engaging. She is well researched and knowledgeable and makes, what can be incredibly difficult subject matter and conversations, accessible and practical.

Southern Cross Health Society

Thank you, thank you, thank you. What a wonderful taonga every staff member has been given. The amount of information, explanations, tips and the way Jacqui is able to impart it is invaluable. Words cannot express how meaningful and timely it has been. Lots of opportunities now to be aware of, to take care of myself and those whom I work, associate and live with, as well as my whanau. Arohanui.

Ministry of Justice
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