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Creator of the concept of Useful Belief - the virtual mindset of success that's taken Australian Business by storm

Useful Belief is a Simple Shift for people that delivers results. It changes how you deal with adversity and challenge every day.


For over two decades, Chris Helder has captivated audiences with his trademark style, explosive energy and powerful messages that build resilience and deliver hope, inspiration and entertainment. You'll be hard-pressed to find a speaker on the circuit who is more passionate about their craft or delivers longer-term results than Chris Helder.

His principles have been adopted globally as the gold standard in building a mindset for resilience, high performance and results. But his presentations go way deeper than a single-shot motivational speech. His ability to challenge traditional, outdated ways of thinking and seed proved sales and leadership concepts and an ethos for long-term change has made Chris the go-to speaker for sectors as diverse as real estate, retail, education, hospitality, banking and finance, insurance and more.

Talking Points

Cut the Noise

This is a presentation, which addresses that we are all inundated every day with so much NOISE!

With everything from media, social media, endless emails and countless meetings, it can feel like fifty thousand things hitting us from every direction. In business today, it becomes even more important than ever to identify what gets results and what is simply a waste of time.

This compelling keynote will have an immediate impact on your ability to FOCUS and PRIORITISE for greater success.

How to Influence People

This powerful presentation makes an IMMEDIATE impact in the areas of communication, sales, leadership and building customer relationships.

Chris has a fresh approach that concentrates on understanding those you are trying to influence, in order to create a stronger connection and ultimately results.

Useful Belief

This presentation is a game changer in the field of motivation and performance. For years, people have been told to try and be "positive". The reality is that when most people try this they are unable to sustain it and end up feeling worse than when they started out.

This is a presentation about having belief systems that support you. It's not about being "positive", but rather asking questions of yourself such as, "What is the most useful thing to believe about this situation?" and "What is the most useful thing that I could do today to get me closer to where I want to be?" Positive thinking is about a feeling, while Useful Belief is all about "action".

The Simple Shift

Life is complicated. Wherever we go, we are surrounded by noise, choice and adversity and it can be hard to see what's important, what to delegate and what to avoid. This leaves us feeling stuck and unable to keep up.

This presentation shows you that the solution is at your fingertips. Useful thinking is a very simple, but incredibly powerful idea designed to shift your perspective and provide you with essential tools to navigate the challenges of the modern world.
I have to say, he [Chris] was a pleasure to work with. Very professional, lovely guy, not a diva at all and having worked with a few speakers I can assure you that that is not always the case. Chris, really smashed it out of the park' with his speech in Hawaii and after the two previous speakers, he had big shoes to follow “ the takeaways he provides in a motivational speech are very clear and unique! Million Dollar Round Table

Motivating, high energy, hilarious, engaging are words that spring to mind when I think of Chris Helder, but the most important thing he does is change behaviour. Chris was the keynote speaker at our T20 event in San Francisco in May and absolutely smashed it. To put this in context, the attendees were senior executives from and 20 of the highest performing real estate agents in the country and they rated him a 10/10. If you want a high impact speaker who can change the game, then Chris is your man.

Chris Helder is combined energetic and entertainment delivery to top-notch content in a unique way. His presentations in Kuala Lumpar and Bangkok included very useful and highly practical tools that can be applied immediately both in private and business situations to influence people. The presentation was very well received by the top leaders of Nokia which is reflected by the feedback score: it was the highest in the three-day event.

Nokia Networks
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