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Insights from marketing expert, Bozoma Saint John

Louise Ryburn
24 Jan 2020
Bozoma Saint John has held some of the most enviable and challenging marketing roles with some of the most renowned brands such as Uber and Apple Music. Bozoma breaks down barriers and is an inspiring leader. She knocked my socks off at the recent PCMA Conference in San Francisco!
She offered some fascinating insights into marketing and leadership, which I am delighted to share below:

Bozoma on being a successful brand

One of the biggest mistakes we make as marketers is thinking of customers as them - like they are not us. As if customers somehow are seeking something different or see things differently than we as marketers do.

It’s really not that difficult - just think about what you like, how you like to live, what is your own reaction to something? You will likely find that this is exactly what your customers want and feel.

We are them and they are us!

Marketers Can Get Hung up on Data

Data is important BUT what’s the point of collecting all of this data if we don’t use it to tell powerful stories.

Human Connection

The most successful brands have a human connection through their marketing. If your brand has a human connection, customers will forgive you when things go wrong. In fact, they will even defend you!


Ensure transparency with your brand. If people understand who you are, why you do what you do and what’s next – you will win.

They don’t even have to agree with you, they just want transparency!

Bozoma on Leadership

Again transparency! Bring people on the journey and be open about things that could go wrong. But ensure you provide solutions; ensure they know the plan and prepare them for the journey.

Bozoma on Diversity and Inclusion

Stop looking at the macro, and look at ourselves – do you have a diverse group of friends?

We all expect our government, companies and schools to be inclusive and diverse. However, this isn’t the only way that we can make a difference.

We can all make a difference by looking at our friends and who we surround ourselves with to make a more diverse and open culture. If all of your friends look like you, sound like you and have the same opinions as you, nothing will ever change.

I love sharing knowledge with our industry partners and always keen to chat about all things speaker - so please feel free to get in touch with me on 09 308 3605 or [email protected]

Photo Courtesy of Jacob Slaton Photography

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