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COVID-19 and the Vaccine

Rachel Bird
01 Nov 2021

It’s a tricky time trying to support your people around the vaccine and keeping them well informed. We have been hearing this concern from employers and leadership teams, but luckily our trusted expert speakers, Dr Michelle Dickinson and Dr Tom Mulholland have the answers!

Check out the below clip to hear how Dr Michelle can help your team:

About Dr Michelle and Dr Tom

Dr Michelle Dickinson aka Nanogirl is a Nanotechnologist and science communicator. She became a household name for her work around COVID-19 as a key communicator. Nanogirl was the friendly face for kids helping explain what the virus was, she answered the many questions children had about what the heck was going on and was also a great support for parents, caregivers, and teachers.

Dr Michelle is now helping businesses who are concerned about their staff’s wellbeing, providing presentations to support people around the vaccine – breaking down misinformation, providing clear communication and myth busting!

Her warm and empathetic style allows her to present key information to any audience. Your team will leave Dr Michelle’s presentation equipped with clear answers to all their vaccine and COVID questions.

Dr Michelle is Auckland based and is currently available for virtual or pre-recorded presentations.

Dr Tom Mulholland is an Emergency Department Doctor with 32 years clinical experience. He is also a rural GP and has been on the front-line vaccinating people so he understands first-hand the anxiety that misinformation is causing in our workplaces and communities.

For the last 20 years Dr Tom has been working closely with the construction and agriculture sector within small towns of rural New Zealand. He translates complex medical information from his background in medicine and First Class Honours Degree in Molecular Genetics into everyday language, adapting it to the audience using terms people can identify with and understand.

His talks are educational, entertaining and authentic providing an honest view of the challenges we are facing in this pandemic.

Dr Tom is based in Wellington and can visit your team in-person on-site during level 2 – or he can be available for virtual and pre-recorded presentations in level 3 locations.

What questions can Dr Tom and Dr Michelle answer?

Both speakers will provide a full breakdown of information on the vaccine for your team – answering questions such as:

  • How does the Pfizer vaccine work?
  • What are the ingredients in the vaccine?
  • What are the side effects of the vaccine?
  • What are the long-term effects of the vaccine?
  • What is the safest and best time frame for immunity between the first and second shot?
  • How do we know the vaccine is safe when it was developed so quickly?
  • How effective are masks against the spread of the virus?
  • Why is natural immunity not as effective as this vaccine?
  • Should pregnant or breastfeeding people get vaccinated?
  • Does the vaccine effect fertility?
  • How is the Novavax vaccine different?
  • Can vaccinated people transmit the virus?

If your team would benefit from learning more about the vaccine, get in touch with our team to enquire about having Dr Tom or Dr Michelle speak to you organisation.

+64 9 373 4177 or [email protected]

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